This weekend was pretty darn nice. We had things to do, but not so much that it was overwhelming.
Yesterday we went out and got Jody a new outfit to wear to the holiday parties this year. I guess since I got something new (and Ava got a new dress a few weeks ago), it's only fair that he gets something as well. He hardly ever gets new clothes so this is a bit of a treat.
We also stopped by Target to pick up some dog food and I picked up an Aquadoodle for Ava for Christmas. I'm so behind on holiday stuff this year, that's the first Christmas present I've bought her!
Then we headed home so Ava could get a nap in before we met friends downtown for the annual parade of lights! It's the first year we've gone to it, but it was pretty nice. Ava enjoyed all of the lights, but even moreso each and every dog that passed by us. ;)
After the parade there was a small fireworks display. Ava was interested in it for a bit, but then she started getting overwhelmed (they were being shot off a building about 100 yards from us) and saying, "No, no, no, no" in her scared voice. :(
From there we all walked over to a maternity/children's resale store (where we know the owner from one of our Yahoo! Groups). Ava got to play there a bit with her friends Creed and Julia (and warm up from the cold), before we headed back to our car, picked up some dinner and went home.
Today we went out and picked up two more Christmas presents for Ava - a new book for her Little Touch Leappad (because we're about to throw the one and only book she has out the window, we've heard it soooo many times - LOL) and a big thing of Duplo blocks. I might get her a couple books as well, but I think those three presents we have for her now are plenty.
Then we hit the grocery store since it had been a few weeks since I'd done a full on shopping trip. Ava was her usual friendly self, greeting shoppers throughout the store. :)
The wee one is napping now and I just got done reading another "lesson" on this free online photography course a friend told me about. I also went outside and took some pics for my first "assignment."
We've got a fairly busy week planned too. Tomorrow Ava and I are meeting a woman I used to work with for a walk to the park. Tuesday we might have a playdate with some friends. Thursday is a Mom's night out movie night. We're watching a couple of birth videos. One is called
"What Babies Want - An Exploration of the Consciousness of Infants." It's described on the website as "an award winning documentary film that explores the profoundly important and sacred opportunity we have in bringing children into the world" and is narrated by Noah Wyle. The other is called
"Birth into Being: The Russian Waterbirth Experience" which contains footage of five births, all natural and underwater, and includes women birthing in the Black Sea ("where the water is tepid and the women are very comfortable")! Both movies look really amazing and I'm excited to see them. :) Then on Saturday we have Jody's work holiday party and Sunday is the Cherished Children holiday party. Shew!
Off to make dinner now - hummus, falafel, pita and cucumber sauce. :) Mmmmm.