Friday, December 30, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

I can't believe it's already the end of 2005. Holy crap!! Where did the year go?? Seriously, it seems like it completely flew by and I expect time will fly by faster and faster the older I get. How does it work that way?!

Anyway, I hadn't given much thought to New Year's resolutions until stumbling upon the Milk Sucks site earlier today. It was then that I felt motivated to come up with a small list of resolutions.

Without further ado, here are my resolutions for 2006:
* Become more aware about the food and drinks I ingest and feed to my family. - to include researching vegetarianism and veganism (good site here) and learning about the impact of current farming and food production in this country on the animals and environment so that I can make informed dietary decisions
* Research voluntary simplicity
* Take a photography course and LEARN, LEARN, LEARN
* Continue portfolio building and practicing for my photography business
* Be mindful that all of my words and actions have consequences
* Focus on healing and acceptance (with regard to being an adult child of an alcoholic) - to include reading some of Claudia Black's books on the subject

Now that I've typed them out, I don't know if they are resolutions so much as they are goals. That's cool with me though. I needed to set some goals for myself. :)

As for our plans for New Year's Eve, we're going to some friends' house for a potluck and games with them and another couple. Since we all have little ones, we won't be out 'til midnight, but it should be a good time. :)

Happy New Year everybody! Hope you all have a safe and fun day and night! :)


At 12/31/2005 6:14 AM, Blogger Nelly said...

Happy New Year to you too Amy!

At 12/31/2005 8:30 AM, Blogger Amy T said...

I'm a major advocate of voluntary simplicity and you can see the major website here: The Simple Living Network:
Start with the Beginners link and that will take you through the website thoroughly. Then come on over to the discussion forums, where I spend a lot of my time when not blogging.

Great decision about your eating habits. I've been vegetarian before, but now I'm married to a man who must have it for nearly every meal. Not a humungous amout -- Thai food uses it in moderate amounts, but meat nonetheless. I've talked DH into accepting a few vegetarian meals per week, and he's game, so at least we have that healthy comopromise. And we've never been milk drinkers, but I buy it to make homemade yogurt and we use half and half for our coffee.

At 12/31/2005 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Great resolutions - knowledge is power, and it's great that you're willing to do the research. :)

At 12/31/2005 10:45 AM, Blogger Cath said...

Good luck with your resolutions hunny and all the best for 2006!

At 12/31/2005 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amy!! Happy New Year to you and the gang!! You have lots to look forward to! Earlier this year I actually finished "It Will Never Happen To Me", one of Claudia Black's books. I SOOOOO understand now, HOW and WHY our little close knit 'family' acts the way they do. You will definitely see yourself in it, too. I highly recommend it! Kiss that little munchkin for ALL of us here!!!! Happy 2006 to ALL of you!!

At 12/31/2005 11:36 AM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Nelly - Thanks. Hope you have a great time out tonight.

Amy - Thanks for the link. It's actually from your blog that Jody came across voluntary simplicity and then told me about it. I will check that out. I don't really need another msg board though - I have too many as it is - but I'd love to read more about it all. :)

Miriam - "Knowledge is power" - that's one of my mantras. :) Thanks for your support.

Cath - Thank you. Same to you! :)

xstitch - Thanks so much for sharing that with me, Aunt Nancy. "It will never happen to me" is one of the books I plan on getting. Carrie recommended Claudia Black's books to me, so I'm excited to start reading them. I think it will do me a LOT of good to help me understand why things are the way they are and why people act the way they do. :) Happy New Year. :)

At 12/31/2005 10:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Amy,

Just came across your blog from a comment you left at my online friend's blog,

Like hers, I support your blog's intent especially your resolutions wholeheartedly. Keep up the good work. It's worthwhile!

At 1/01/2006 12:28 PM, Blogger Running2Ks said...

Great resolutions--concrete goals are usually met. I love that you are doing knowledge for power, and making healthy choices for your family.

At 1/01/2006 12:35 PM, Blogger Rambler said...

I hope u meet ur goals.... i really admire pplwho have teh guts to make resolutions and follow them till the end. Unfortuanetle, i alwez manage to lose the sight of my goals somewhere along teh way!!

At 1/01/2006 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great post. You have inspired me to follow all of these links. Thank you so much!

At 1/01/2006 8:35 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

4th Time - Thanks for visiting my blog and for your support. :)

R2Ks - Thanks, I appreciate it. I don't agree with setting resolutions that are impossible to obtain. I think mine are quite realistic. :)

Blog writer - Thank you. I am hoping by having these on my blog it will help me be more accountable for following through.

Rowan - I'm so glad I inspired you. That means a lot to me. :)


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