Nice holiday (with pics)
We had a nice holiday around here. Even though Santa didn't come through with his promise to make us all well and it was kind of weird not having any other family around, we still had a nice day. ;)
Ava enjoyed her presents of Legos, pajamas, clothes, Aquadoodle, lots of books, and a Little People doll house, as well as some money for classes (music classes probably).
Jody and I didn't exchange gifts, but we still got some presents from our parents. I got a honey bath set, a soy candle, and money from both sets of parents for my photography business. Also, my mom spent some long hours making a beautiful two-sided tree skirt for us. It is quilted and has our names on it, as well as the year.
I made a nontraditional meal for Christmas dinner (because I didn't buy a turkey in time to thaw it). We had chicken milano (with a few additions - spinach and artichokes), with a spinach salad and brownies for dessert. :)
We are all feeling a lot better now. Jody and I still have some congestion and Ava has a lingering cough, but we are all doing so much better than we were. Yay! Jody's off of work until Thursday and it's been wonderful having him home. :) Both Ava and I have enjoyed having him around the house.
Jody has been playing with Ava's Legos since nearly the moment she opened them. It was always a tradition in his house to get out all of this Legos around Christmas, but since the sets he has have such tiny pieces, he's had to settle for playing with Ava's this year. Today he made a very nice looking duck and alligator. She's enjoyed destroying whatever he creates. Although she did get a big kick out of the duck and alligator and carried them around for a while. :)
Today we went to the library for a free dog show. It was pretty cute. Ava loved watching it and applauding the dogs as they performed their tricks. After the show, we let Ava pick out some books to bring home. That's the first time we've hung out at the library with her, but I think we'll do it more often. I'm also going to look into taking her up there for storytime each week.
Here are some pics from Christmas.
Playing Legos with daddy.
Wearing the tree skirt. :)
Cutie in front of the tree.
Hope you all had a nice holiday and have a great new year. :)
Cute, cute, cute!
Yes, you should go to the library more often. It's the best place in the world!!! ;)
Thanks, Tiff. We do need to get to the library more often. There's much fun to be had. :) I didn't know the kids area was so cute. They even have a little puppet show area there. :) Do you work in the kids' part of your library?
Sounds like you had a quiet and enjoyable Christmas. Isn't it nice when daddy is home? Hubby was only home a couple days while I was off, but it was nice for him to get to spend more time with the kids. It would be hard not to see family on Christmas.
Ava looks happy as a clam in those pix! She is such a cute little girl Amy! When's #2 going to be on it's way?? ;)
Nelly, thanks. :) Dunno about baby #2 yet. We've talked about it and we both want at least 1 more, but I think we'll wait until Ava is a bit older - like closer to 3.
Nino, thank you. :)
That Ava keeps getting prettier and prettier!
Yeah, I work in all parts of the library. Guess what, I get to do a parenting series in Feb. I'll aim it towards the teen moms and such. I'm so excited about it. Beckie gave me the courage and idea to even ask about it!
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