Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot and my darn computer

It was another scorcher in CO this weekend. We beat the heat yesterday by going to the public kiddie pool. It was a bit more crowded this weekend than the last time we went, but still fun and refreshing. Ava had a great time and befriended a couple kids around her age - begging potato chips off the little boy's mom (*gasp* - guess there's a first time for her to eat everything - wait a minute, my mommy memory fails me! she has had chips before, just not often) and playing catch with a floaty fishy with a little girl. Good times. :)

I'd been getting by wearing one of my old "regular" 2 piece bathing suits to the pool, but decided yesterday that it was starting to get a little too snug. So today I found a cute maternity tankini at a consignment shop. It fits much more nicely and I feel more comfortable wearing it out in public. Ava and I are going to a play group this week at the pool at the rec center and we'll be up in MI visiting the fam and doing lots of swimming there in a couple weeks, so I will get some good use out of it. :)

And now onto my damn darn computer. It's been locking up periodically over the past few weeks, seemingly going in phases. It will be very tempermental for a few days, then fine for a week, then it will start all over again. Well, yesterday it locked up and wouldn't boot back up last night. So Jody's been messing with it today, trying to get it to stay on long enough for him to do all the scandisk-maintenancey stuff it needs, but it still kept locking up. So now he's wiping the hard drive (well, backing it up first) and going to try reinstalling Windows. (I'm on his laptop in the meantime.) Hopefully it will all work, because if it doesn't, I'm going to be without a computer for the week since the laptop will no longer be accessible to me. Arg. Cross your fingers it works, k? ;)

Anyway, with all of these computer shenanigans, Jody has been talking seriously about just buying me a Macbook (laptop). I haven't been a Mac person in the past and don't consider myself one now, but the idea of having a laptop is very appealing to me and I know many "artist-types" love their Macs, so maybe a change would be good for me. After all, that's what J's laptop is, so I have some experience with them. He thinks it would be much better for me to use with my photography and all and maybe he's right. I just tend to resist change (when it's being suggested upon me). So we'll see what happens.

Now that it's cooled off to about 90 degrees outside, I'm going to think about making dinner. Heating up the house just seems like such a crappy idea. Maybe I can find a good way to barbecue tofu (which I think is on the menu tonight since I don't have any chicken thawed). Hmmm.

UPDATE (7/31/06 6:08 p.m.) - The wiping and reinstalling on my computer last night seem to have helped because it hasn't locked up since. **major knocking on wood** Thank you, Jody. :o* Hopefully it will last me the week. :) I think getting a Macbook is still in my future, just have to figure out how we can afford it. ;)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Planning for a homebirth

By now you may have gathered that instead of choosing to have an OB-attended hospital birth this time around, we are planning to have a midwife-attended homebirth. There are a number of varied factors that have led me down such a different path with this baby and I'd like to share some of them here.

I have to first admit that I've been a little reticent to post about this, not because I'm not excited about it, but because homebirth in our culture is not seen as a safe or wise choice (though in reality it is as safe or safer than hospital births in most cases - there are a number of studies that indicate as such). I am open to questions about why I've made this decision or things specific to homebirths, but I don't wish to be attacked for my choice. I have no desire to get into a debate over which is better - hospital or home. Rest assured I've done a lot of soul searching and research to come to the conclusion that planning a homebirth is right for me. In the event that a condition arises during my pregnancy or labor that indicates that a homebirth is no longer a safe, responsible choice, I have no qualms about going back to my OB (whom I like and respect) or being transferred to a hospital (which is literally less than five minutes from our house) if necessary.
OK, now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's dive in, shall we? :)

First of all, I believe that - in the majority of cases - birth is a normal, natural and healthy process. I believe in a woman's (and my own) ability to give birth naturally, normally, without intervention, as women have been doing for thousands of years.

I am drawn to the midwifery model of care because it feels normal and natural. I like that a typical midwife prenatal visit lasts 60 minutes (as opposed to the typical 6 minute OB prenatal visit) and does not feel rushed. I like that I am getting to know the woman who will be there for my labor and birth and that she will gain my trust so that I feel comfortable with her while laboring and birthing. I like that my midwife is interested in my nutrition and in suggesting preventative measures (such as acupuncture) to help ensure that I have a healthy birth.

My midwife in particular has a 15 year background as an EMT (emergency medical technician). I feel her experience in that capacity has helped her develop critical thinking skills and the ability to think quickly on her feet. After all, how can you be an EMT without that ability? So I feel very comfortable that if a situation should arise that is beyond her comfort level, she will know what steps to take (i.e. a hospital transfer). Because of my history of complications with Ava, this was very important for us. Both Jody and I feel very confident in her experience and abilities.

I love the idea of birthing at my own home, where I am comfortable and able to relax without worrying about who's going to be walking in the door next (nurse shift changes, etc.), where Ava can play or sleep or do whatever she needs to (in a safe environment) and still be in close proximity to me and Jody. (My sister will be her primary caregiver while I am in labor.) And when the baby is born, Ava can chose whether or not she wants to be present. (Yes, we will be preparing her with regard to what to expect when mommy is in labor, etc. We actually watched a birth video - "Giving Birth: Challenges and Choices" by Suzanne Arms - this week.) I'd like her to be there, but I'm not going to force her. If she is meant to be there, she will be. After seeing her interest in watching the birth video though, I am pretty certain she'll want to see baby brother join us.

I also love the idea of being able to sleep in my own bed after the birth. That was one of the hardest things for me in the hospital, not being able to sleep. I eventually had to ask for sleeping pills because it'd been something like three days since I'd slept for more than a few minutes at a time, and having hallucinations while trying to care for a newborn is no fun. Having my own bed will be heavenly. And I'm sure Jody would agree as well after sleeping on a flimsy mattress on the cold, hard hospital floor for 5 days after Ava's birth.

Another compelling reason for me to have a homebirth is I'd like to labor and possibly birth in water and my midwife has a birthing pool that we can set up right in our house.

Because of all of this and more, I feel planning for a homebirth makes sense for us.
The following information was taken from The Homebirth Choice by Jill Cohen and Marti Dorsey and further illustrates why I've decided a homebirth is the right choice for me and my family. I cut and pasted some things that I feel are particularly important to me.

"Midwife means "with woman." Traditionally, women have attended and assisted other women during labor and birth. As modern medicine emerged in the West, birth fell into the realm of the medical. Since women were barred from attending medical schools, men became the birth practitioners. Having never had a baby themselves, they were unable to approach women and childbirth with the inner knowledge and experience of a woman. Childbirth became viewed as pathological rather than natural; unnecessary, and often dangerous or unproven, medical techniques and interventions became commonplace.

During the 1960s and 1970s, along with the women's movement and renewed interest in homebirth, the midwifery movement rekindled. It has been growing steadily ever since. Midwives are becoming more and more involved with birthing families and have been instrumental in redefining birth as a natural event in women's lives.

Midwifery empowers women and their families with the experience of birth."


"Prenatal visits may take place at the midwife's home or clinic or at the family's home. Prenatal visits are a time for the midwife to get to know the family and friends, neighbors, or other children who plan to be present at the birth.

Prenatal care for the pregnant woman includes discussion of nutrition, exercise and overall physical and emotional well-being, as well as overseeing the healthy development of the fetus.

Midwives include the family during prenatal care, inviting them to ask questions and to listen to the baby's heartbeat. Intimate involvement of the family throughout the pregnancy allows for early bonding of the newly emerging family unit.

The midwife and family will often discuss the mechanics of birth. The more people know what's going to happen, the more comfortable they may be while awaiting the birth."

"In the safety and security of her own home, the mom is likely to be less inhibited about trying different labor positions and locations. She can sit on the toilet or go for a walk outside. She can eat or drink whatever she wants. She writes her own script. When it's time to deliver, she can often try whatever position she wants: on her side, squatting, sitting or kneeling."

"Homebirth allows for full participation of family members. Under the guidance and assistance of the midwife, the opportunity is available for husbands or partners to "catch" their child as it is born. These moments can be very powerful and transformational in the lives of the new parents.

At homebirths, babies are usually immediately placed on the mom's stomach or breast, providing security, warmth and immediate bonding between mom and baby. This contact provides security for both mom and baby.

In the rare case when the baby has difficulty breathing on its own, midwives are fully trained in infant CPR. Usually, putting the baby right to the breast and having mom talk to her baby will encourage it to take those first breaths.

Putting the baby immediately to the breast helps reduce any bleeding the mom may have. The sucking action stimulates the uterus and causes it to contract. This closes off blood vessels and reduces bleeding.

Some members of the medical community have recently acknowledged that having a homebirth decreases the mother's and baby's chances of contracting an infection. The mother is used to the bacteria in her own environment and has built up immunities to it. This is passed on to the baby through the colostrum. Even when women are segregated in maternity wards, infections are much more commonplace after hospital births than homebirths."

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Coming back "home"

My little sister is coming back "home" to Colorado to complete her last year of law school at CU! We, of course, are thrilled to have her rejoin us here out west. I know Ava will love having Aunt Carrie close by and I will appreciate the help of having family nearby after baby boy is born (and of course her company and wit as well).

She moved back to MI two years ago to start her law degree, but has been able to transfer to CU as a "visiting student" for her last year.

She'll be moving back in less than a month now. Yay Carrie!! :)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Finally - Ava's 2 year pics :)

I finally got a chance to take Ava's two year pictures this weekend - only a month after her actual birthday (so I'm not too terribly far behind, right?). ;) The weather cooperated, and, even though I wasn't thrilled about taking pics at noon with the sun beating down on us, I'm still pretty pleased with how they turned out. We went to a nearby college campus that has some beautiful scenery and Jody assisted me while I snapped away.

Here are some of my favorites:
(click the pic to view it larger)

Thanks for looking. :)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Beware the "skeeters" AND the DEET!

I started writing this blog entry over a month ago, but never got it finished. So since the summer is quickly getting away from us, I figured it'd be good to at least get what I have written out there in case it might be of use to somebody.

With the threat of West Nile Virus, everyone seems concerned about mosquito bites these days. Many advocate the use of insect repellents containing DEET, but before you spray you and your family down, you might want to read up on DEET, how to use it safely, and/or alternative insect repellents that don't contain DEET at all. After all, your skin is your largest organ. Do you really want to cover it in chemicals when there are other options available?

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Fact Sheet on Using DEET
Includes info on how to use DEET safely (which is kind of scary if you ask me) like:
- Do not apply over cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.
- Use just enough repellent to cover exposed skin and/or clothing.
- After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water. (I don't remember ever doing this as a kid. Ack.)
- Wash treated clothing before wearing it again.
- Use of this product may cause skin reactions in rare cases.
And also includes info on what to do in the event of a reaction to DEET.

Least Toxic Alternatives to DEET - includes info on plant oils and citronella, as well as names of "natural" repellents and their websites

The insect repellent I bought this year is All Terrain Herbal Armor - DEET-free lotion. It seems to work quite well, though definitely has a strong odor of citronella, but I don't think it smells any worse than OFF!, etc.

I think the bottom line is that, as with all products that go onto your skin, you should know what's in it and what the potential risks are before you use it. Sometimes the risks outweigh the benefits and sometimes vice versa. The trick is to know the facts ahead of time and make informed decisions. :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hair (before & after) and almost 23 weeks' belly

I had a couple requests for pics from my recent haircut this weekend, so here ya go!

This one is a "before" shot - I actually just cropped my head out of a family pic taken at Ava's birthday party almost a month ago. It's not totally recent, but it gives you a good idea that my hair was getting long-ish and was really in need of a trim at the very least.

This is a side view of the new hair. I didn't style it at all today, just let it air dry. That's my kind of hairstyle though - wash and go.

Here's a front view with it tucked behind my ears, which is how it usually ends up. ;)

I think it's a pretty decent cut, especially for just going to *cough, cough* Great Clips. I had been going to this awesome Aveda salon for my last several haircuts, but at nearly $50 a pop, it is just too expensive. And because it was so expensive, I hadn't been in for a cut in ...hmmm...I can't even remember how long! If I keep my style request pretty basic, they seem to do an OK job at Great Clips for $17 (including tip). So what if I had to cut off a small chunk of long hair myself when I got home? ;) At least I saved some money. hehe. Although I do miss the scalp and neck massage I got at the Aveda salon. Oooh yeah, that alone is almost worth paying the $50.

I think the shorter hair makes my face look thinner too. Which is kind of odd because I know I've gained like 5 lbs. in the last month so, in theory, it should look heavier. I'm not complaining!

Lastly, here's a belly pic I took today. I'm 1 day shy of 23 weeks. :)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Haircut, swimming, picnic and a trip to the aquarium - oh my!

Despite the record-breaking heat (100+ degrees) this weekend, we still had a lot of fun. :)

I decided on the spur of the moment to get my hair cut Saturday morning and had probably 5 inches cut off. It's in a chin-length bob now and is sooooo much cooler. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to style it, but with this heat lately, I haven't tried too hard. ;)

After my haircut, we went to a public kiddie pool in town for some swimming. It took Ava about 20 minutes to really get used to the idea, but then she had a blast. It was wonderful to hang out in the water, and the pool wasn't crowded at all either, which was very nice. Jody got sun-burned even though I put sunscreen on him (oops), and I got a little red around my belly-button and bathing suit top, but Ava didn't get burned at all, which was a relief (and kind of unexpected since she had on the chemical-free sunscreen - California Baby - and Jody and I had on Banana Boat - hmmm). We packed a lunch which we ate by the pool in between dips in.

We left the pool and went for a little drive to ensure that Ava took a good nap before the picnic we had to go to that evening. It worked like a charm and she continued to sleep when we got home.

The API potluck picnic was a lot of fun (especially after the sun dropped down in the sky a bit). It was wonderful to hang out with so many AP parents (roughly 15 couples) and their kiddos, including a couple that just found out about the group the day before. The kids played on the playground and splashed around in a little wading pool. Ava had so much fun.

On Sunday, we decided to get out of the sweltering house and drove into Denver to have lunch at a little vegetarian, organic restaurant, called Karma, that had been recently recommended to me. It was really tasty. After that we went to the Downtown Aquarium and saw tons of different fish. Ava enjoyed it for a while, but then the dark spaces and the relaxing music they played just about put her to sleep and Jody had to carry her around. Once we got outside again she perked back up. Just in time to go see a petting zoo nearby.

It was a fun, busy weekend. :)

Today, Ava and I met some friends at a play/activity center for "open gym." They had a special today where you got free admission for bringing in a canned food item. We'd never been to a place like that before, but Ava thoroughly enjoyed it. She was all over the place playing, and helping out the little kids too and bringing balls to the babies. She also asked to hold my friend's son Mason who's 5 months old (I had been holding him) and she was so cute talking to him and gently petting his head and arms. I think she will make a great big sister.

We got a brief break from the heat today w/ temps *only* reaching 90 degrees, but it's back up to 100 for Tuesday. *groan* I'm so glad I'm not further along in this pregnancy. I remember how miserable the heat was at the end of my pregnancy with Ava. I'm still not happy about it now and would welcome a cool down, but it's at least tolerable. The good news is that it looks like temps should be back into the 80s by Thursday. Hooray!! :)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Triple digits weekend

Holy heatwave, Batman! Today and tomorrow's forecasted highs are 102, dropping to 100 on Monday. And yesterday it was 99. Oy!!

We plan to go to a public pool for some of the afternoon today to cool off. I just hope the whole city doesn't decide to do the same.

This evening we are going to our local API chapter summer potluck picnic which should be a lot of fun if we can find ways to stay cool. That will be the tricky part. I'm taking a bean dip to share. I found the recipe this week in one of my veggie cookbooks. It's pretty tasty and easy to make.

Not sure what we will do tomorrow, but quite possibly leave the house to find respite in some air conditioned facility.

On Monday, Ava and I have plans to meet some friends at a kiddie play gym (similar to Gymboree) for part of the day. I haven't taken Ava to anything like that before, but I'm sure she will enjoy it (and it will be air conditioned!).

Then the rest of the week consists of a midwife appointment, a doctor's appointment and a moms' night out.

Hope everyone finds ways to stay cool this weekend. :)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Not something you hear every day

Overheard during a discussion (at our API meeting yesterday) about tandem nursing and deciding whether or not to wean an older child while pregnant.

B (who tandem nurses her 6-week-old and 2 1/2-yr-old sons) said: "I thought seriously about weaning him (the older boy), but he's such an emotional nurser. I think it would be really hard on him."

E (a newcomer to the group who weaned her older daughter at age 3 yrs, 2 months while pregnant with baby #2) said: "Oooh, but he's still so young."

Being a supporter of extended nursing, I'm not sure why this struck me, but it did. Maybe because I've been going back and forth about whether I want to wean Ava before baby boy is born. (At this point, I've decided neither of us are ready for it.) And maybe because it's not a response you would get from MOST people. Of course, in retrospect, if someone is going to be supportive of extended nursing, it would certainly an AP member, but it was very refreshing to hear, nonetheless. :)

Read more about it: A Natural Age of Weaning
by Katherine Dettwyler, PhD

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Kid brag

Ava just counted to 13 (with the exception of 6, which she always skips) all by herself! She was spinning the other office chair and counting each time she pushed it and got all the way up to 13. And then after 13, she said "eleventeen." ;) I was totally floored. We never count past 10 when we count together. Anyway, proud mommy moment here. Just had to share. ;)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Trying to be better

I have to say that I've come a long way in the past two years as far as eating more health-consciously is concerned. Before Ava was born, I never gave pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones, genetically modified foods or organic vs. conventional foods a second thought. Now I read more labels and look to buy organic foods whenever I think the health benefits justify it. Speaking of which, here's a great article by Consumer Reports on the subject - When buying organic pays (and doesn't).

(I need to clarify - I didn't take this pic. It's some stock photo off the 'net.)

Today I went shopping at both Safeway and Vitamin Cottage (the only health food store we have close by). I picked up things at Safeway, such as refried beans, whole grain tortillas, peanuts, vinegar (for washing diapers) and some baking supplies that I just don't care if they are organic or not and I'd rather save the money. Then we went to Vitamin Cottage, where I bought some organic produce (apples and grapes), Mighty Bites cereal (for Ava), raw almonds, organic cheese (which was on sale - yay!), Agave nectar (my first time to splurge on that), organic tofu, natural turkey bacon (without nitrates), and free-range chicken (also on sale - bonus!). The bill from the two stores was about the same ($50) although I got 4 bags of loosely packed groceries at Safeway and 1 very full bag of groceries at Vitamin Cottage.

Then we came home to find our Door to Door Organics produce delivery on the front porch (which cost another $30) and gave us mixed baby greens, spinach, avocados, bananas, onions, carrots, melon, cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes.

I guess my point is this... while I try to buy organic foods when it comes to produce, dairy products and meat (when we eat it), I still buy things like chocolate chips (not Nestle brand, mind you), ice cream (once in a while), the occasional frozen meal, and pizza dough mix in a package, among other non-healthy foods. I guess it's another case of everything in moderation. I try my best to prepare healthy meals and be conscious of what is in the foods we ingest, but I also sometimes just need a quick and easy meal and will let the whole health factor slide as I put a frozen pizza into the oven. *gulp*

I am working on getting out of a "I don't feel like cooking" rut here lately and am doing better at it. In the past week, I made G-Z burgers (garbanzo beans and zucchini) from a recipe over at Isil's - (I just jumped over there to get the link and found the news that she's expecting her first baby! Congrats to you, Isil!) and Red Chard Quiche (for dinner last night). I've got a few ideas on things to make this week too so hopefully my rut is coming to an end.

A friend once told me that organic produce tasted better to her than conventional produce. I was VERY skeptical and just kind of nodded, like "ok, sure." However, after eating both and really comparing the two, I honestly think organic produce *does* have more flavor and just tastes better. I know this is something that's up for debate, but that's my experience with it, and it makes sense to me. The more chemicals you put on something, I think the more it would dull the flavor. The more natural the food is, the more the flavors exist. Perhaps others who've eaten both organic and conventional foods could chime in on your thoughts on this?

By the way, I'm happy to report that the sun came out again today after we got rain all weekend. The rain was very much needed, but it was amazing to me how much the dreary weather affected my mood. I honestly don't know how I survived without antidepressants while living in MI all those years. When I first moved away, I thought we'd return there someday, but I know there's no way that I could. The abundant sunlight here in CO really does affect me and I'm so thankful to have it. :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to prepare a healthy dinner with some of the yummy foods I bought today. :)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Rained out :(

I know we desperately need the moisture, but why'd it have to rain again *this* weekend? :oP

We headed out this afternoon so I could take Ava's pictures (that I've been trying to take since last weekend - when it rained) and we got rained out again. The rain also put a damper on our hiking plans and music festival plans. :(

More of the same is expected tomorrow.

In light of this setback, I think the thank you notes are going to get mailed without the pics and I will have to send the pics out whenever I am able to get them done. Arg.

The plus side of getting rained out today is that we stopped at Ross (hoping the rain would pass through while we hung out) and I got a couple maternity shirts and another pair of shorts (woohoo - I'm up to two pairs of shorts now!) all for only $25. :) Yay, bargains! And the other good thing about the rain is, of course, that it reduces Colorado's fire danger. Not as glamorous as new clothes, but still a good thing nonetheless. ;)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ava's 2-yr check-up and other updates

I took Ava to the doctor for her two-year check-up yesterday. Other than having to wait a long time, it all went well. She's healthy as can be and impressed Dr. S with her vocabulary, sentences and organization. She's up to 34 1/2 inches tall (75th percentile) and 32 1/2 lbs. (95th percentile). I really thought she might drop on the weight charts a bit now that she's getting taller and isn't nearly as chunky as she was as a babe, but nope.

She got another DTaP shot yesterday which she won't need again until she's 4 years old, and didn't even bat an eye. She's such a trooper. So she's now current on both her DTaP and Polio vaxes even though we didn't start them until she was 12 months (and then went back for regular nurse visits to get her shots). I'm pretty happy with how that all worked out and I imagine we'll do the same thing for baby boy.

We talked a bit about the MMR shot and whether or not the dr's office can get it divided into three separate shots - the Measles, the Mumps, and the Rubella all separated - (which is how I prefer they be administered to her), to which Dr. S replied "no" and she doesn't even know if they exist like that. Well, I'm pretty sure they do because other people's doctors have said they could special order them that way. Anyway, for now we will just hold off until I can find more information.

The fourth of July was fun. We had our friends over for dinner and drinks. Well, they brought the booze. I mixed up pina coladas for them and Jody, and had a virgin one myself. We tried to catch the fireworks by walking a couple blocks from our house, but didn't get out there 'til they were ending. Bummer. :( We did watch the neighbors set some off in the street though and that was semi-entertaining until Ava decided it was "too noisy" and wanted to go in.

It was nice having Jody off for four days in a row, with no big plans. I could get used to that.

Today Ava and I did our long walk to the park, where we hung out for a while - having lunch and playing. We saw a big crane (bird) in the lake there and Ava found one of it's feathers which she used as a broom to sweep the rocks. We also looked at dog and human footprints hardened in the mud by the water. That was kind of cool actually. You'd think with all of that excitement, she'd go down easily for a nap today. But nooooooooo. She decided she wasn't napping. This happens every now and then and just about kills me every time (especially on days like today where Jody doesn't get home til after 11 p.m. because he is playing D&D after work). I finally switched from trying-to-get-her-to-nap-mode to trying-to-keep-her-awake-mode. So we made oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies, had dinner, played with her toys, called Grandma to wish her a "happy birthday" and sing to her, watched a little TV (Big Brother All-Stars), had a bath and read books. She's out cold now and I will be joining her shortly. ;)

Tomorrow the little girlie and I are going to a friend's baby welcoming party, hence making the cookies today to take with us. It will be nice to hang out with them and for Ava to play with her friends.

Jody suggested going on a hike this weekend so we may do that or go to a music festival in town, as well as FINALLY take Ava's two-year pictures. I can't wait to take them and hope that she cooperates. :) I'll post my favorites I'm sure.

Hope you all have a nice weekend. :)

Monday, July 03, 2006


First a little note to say thank you for all the wonderful comments on my photography and suggestions on what to do about pricing. You all are soooo sweet and thoughtful! :)

And now, getting back to business *ahem*:
Our little boy "bug" is half-baked! I was officially at 20 weeks on Thursday! :) My oh my - how quickly this pregnancy is going!

Here I am at 20 weeks. Click here to see earlier belly pics if you want to compare. I don't think I look a whole lot bigger compared to last month, but I feel a bit bigger.

I'm continuing to feel great. I haven't had any food aversions, I'm going for walks a few times a week and I just feel good and energized. The only minor things I have to complain about (and I'm not even complaining) are that I've had a little heartburn here and there, and a little acid reflux last night, but that was my own fault after eating too much sugary foods. (Doh!) I have read that raw almonds help w/ the heartburn so I've been giving that a try. And it doesn't hurt that they have all kinds of other health benefits. Another thing I may try if I need to is fresh papaya or papaya extract. It's interesting to me that there are natural ways to treat heartburn out there, but with my last pregnancy, I went to the doctor, complained about it and she said to take Zantac and that was that. I didn't do any research on it, I just took the drugs. This time around, I'd like to avoid the drugs if I can find natural solutions that work just as well. Why not, eh? :)

Baby boy is a kicky lil guy, just like his big sis was.

We've been talking a lot about names and think we have settled on a first name, but are still working on his middle name. Of course, they will remain a secret until he is born. ;)

I apologize for not writing much lately, but Jody has a 4-day weekend and I've been spending some time working on revamping my photography biz stuff. Plus I also had plans to take Ava's two-year pics this weekend, but it looks like it's going to have to wait until next weekend now. We did buy her a cute little leotard and tutu today though that she will wear for the pics and we scouted out some cool locations to use for the shoot, so I'm excited to do it. :) Plus I want to get the pics taken so I can order a bunch and send out Ava's thank you notes. I got them all written earlier in the week, but want to wait on sending them until I have pictures to include.

Tomorrow we are having friends over for dinner. Their son Creed (who is 7 months older than Ava) and Ava have a blast playing together and I'm sure they will enjoy Ava's sand and water table that she got for her b'day. I'm looking forward to seeing their new lil guy Trajan too, who's a month old now, and just hanging out and chit-chatting. Should be a good time. :) I think we're going to go to fireworks tomorrow night too, but we still haven't figured out where we will watch them from. I wish they were closer to our house so we could just walk and not have to deal with all the crazy traffic.

Hope everyone (my American readers, that is) is enjoying the long weekend or at least the 4th off tomorrow! :) And I hope the rest of you enjoy your day as well. :)