Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot and my darn computer

It was another scorcher in CO this weekend. We beat the heat yesterday by going to the public kiddie pool. It was a bit more crowded this weekend than the last time we went, but still fun and refreshing. Ava had a great time and befriended a couple kids around her age - begging potato chips off the little boy's mom (*gasp* - guess there's a first time for her to eat everything - wait a minute, my mommy memory fails me! she has had chips before, just not often) and playing catch with a floaty fishy with a little girl. Good times. :)

I'd been getting by wearing one of my old "regular" 2 piece bathing suits to the pool, but decided yesterday that it was starting to get a little too snug. So today I found a cute maternity tankini at a consignment shop. It fits much more nicely and I feel more comfortable wearing it out in public. Ava and I are going to a play group this week at the pool at the rec center and we'll be up in MI visiting the fam and doing lots of swimming there in a couple weeks, so I will get some good use out of it. :)

And now onto my damn darn computer. It's been locking up periodically over the past few weeks, seemingly going in phases. It will be very tempermental for a few days, then fine for a week, then it will start all over again. Well, yesterday it locked up and wouldn't boot back up last night. So Jody's been messing with it today, trying to get it to stay on long enough for him to do all the scandisk-maintenancey stuff it needs, but it still kept locking up. So now he's wiping the hard drive (well, backing it up first) and going to try reinstalling Windows. (I'm on his laptop in the meantime.) Hopefully it will all work, because if it doesn't, I'm going to be without a computer for the week since the laptop will no longer be accessible to me. Arg. Cross your fingers it works, k? ;)

Anyway, with all of these computer shenanigans, Jody has been talking seriously about just buying me a Macbook (laptop). I haven't been a Mac person in the past and don't consider myself one now, but the idea of having a laptop is very appealing to me and I know many "artist-types" love their Macs, so maybe a change would be good for me. After all, that's what J's laptop is, so I have some experience with them. He thinks it would be much better for me to use with my photography and all and maybe he's right. I just tend to resist change (when it's being suggested upon me). So we'll see what happens.

Now that it's cooled off to about 90 degrees outside, I'm going to think about making dinner. Heating up the house just seems like such a crappy idea. Maybe I can find a good way to barbecue tofu (which I think is on the menu tonight since I don't have any chicken thawed). Hmmm.

UPDATE (7/31/06 6:08 p.m.) - The wiping and reinstalling on my computer last night seem to have helped because it hasn't locked up since. **major knocking on wood** Thank you, Jody. :o* Hopefully it will last me the week. :) I think getting a Macbook is still in my future, just have to figure out how we can afford it. ;)


At 7/30/2006 11:26 PM, Blogger gosonja said...

My dad...who is in Art school right now...says that you MUST have a MAC if you are an artist. You will love the capabilities and software that is available to you! I hope it works out!!

At 7/31/2006 6:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not an artist in any professional capacity, but I love, love, love my Mac. (I'm saving for a MacBook to replace my aging Powerbook.) The ease of use, design aesthetic, and operating system are all tops in my book. Plus there are many independent Mac software companies that are producing wonderful products of their own. I'd definitely recommend taking the plunge, especially if you have the chance to use Jody's a bit more to try some new things first. Good luck with whatever you choose!

At 7/31/2006 11:05 AM, Blogger Nelly said...

Hot here too Amy! Yikes! In the low 100's! CRAZY! I'm all about bbq'ing on days like this (or just making soup and sando's!). C-ya and keep cool!

At 7/31/2006 11:59 AM, Blogger Harmonia said...

I like hot weather - it's the humidity I can't take! ZOINKS! If you need a good laugh...check out my trials and tribulations FOOD ATTEMPT post today.


At 7/31/2006 5:40 PM, Blogger KleoPatra said...

All the artists in the journalism field in which i work swear by Macs. I'm a word nerd and don't have one iota of artistic talent, so i am happy w/a regular computer, but i can totally recommend a laptop Mac for you on what my cohorts say...

It's hot here too... it actually RAINED in the SUMMER in So Cal. It's really throwing folks for a loop here. And my computer is acting up big time; i think it's because of the heat.

Love the cute Ava swim story. Awesome that she made pals... and pals w/chips are great pals, as i remember from my youth :o). If i can remember that far back!

Happy for you to get a tankini that fits nicely for you, at a consignment shop, no less. Yay for you!

At 7/31/2006 6:05 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

sonja - thx for letting me know your dad's thoughts on puters. jody is pretty much of the same mindset as your dad is. he thinks i should definitely have a mac. i'm just wondering how we're going to pay for it. ;)

elizabeth - thanks for the mac plug. i am sure i would adapt to it easily enough. it does help that i've had some experience using jody's so i'm not going in completely blind.
btw, hope all is well with you. :)

nelly - sorry to hear about the heat there too. i can't imagine it w/ the humidity. we're actually getting a reprieve the next few days - only in the 80s. yay!

harmonia - i feel so lucky to not have to deal w/ humidity here in CO. that certainly makes the heat a little more bearable.

kleo - didn't know you are in the journalism field. i worked at a newspaper for a few years pre-ava. i miss it at times.
crazy about the rain there. i didn't know it was so rare for summer rain in s. ca.
thx for your excitement about my tankini. i went to a different consignment shop today and found some shorts (and a couple CUTE outfits for baby boy) so i'm a happy camper. :)


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