Monday, July 03, 2006


First a little note to say thank you for all the wonderful comments on my photography and suggestions on what to do about pricing. You all are soooo sweet and thoughtful! :)

And now, getting back to business *ahem*:
Our little boy "bug" is half-baked! I was officially at 20 weeks on Thursday! :) My oh my - how quickly this pregnancy is going!

Here I am at 20 weeks. Click here to see earlier belly pics if you want to compare. I don't think I look a whole lot bigger compared to last month, but I feel a bit bigger.

I'm continuing to feel great. I haven't had any food aversions, I'm going for walks a few times a week and I just feel good and energized. The only minor things I have to complain about (and I'm not even complaining) are that I've had a little heartburn here and there, and a little acid reflux last night, but that was my own fault after eating too much sugary foods. (Doh!) I have read that raw almonds help w/ the heartburn so I've been giving that a try. And it doesn't hurt that they have all kinds of other health benefits. Another thing I may try if I need to is fresh papaya or papaya extract. It's interesting to me that there are natural ways to treat heartburn out there, but with my last pregnancy, I went to the doctor, complained about it and she said to take Zantac and that was that. I didn't do any research on it, I just took the drugs. This time around, I'd like to avoid the drugs if I can find natural solutions that work just as well. Why not, eh? :)

Baby boy is a kicky lil guy, just like his big sis was.

We've been talking a lot about names and think we have settled on a first name, but are still working on his middle name. Of course, they will remain a secret until he is born. ;)

I apologize for not writing much lately, but Jody has a 4-day weekend and I've been spending some time working on revamping my photography biz stuff. Plus I also had plans to take Ava's two-year pics this weekend, but it looks like it's going to have to wait until next weekend now. We did buy her a cute little leotard and tutu today though that she will wear for the pics and we scouted out some cool locations to use for the shoot, so I'm excited to do it. :) Plus I want to get the pics taken so I can order a bunch and send out Ava's thank you notes. I got them all written earlier in the week, but want to wait on sending them until I have pictures to include.

Tomorrow we are having friends over for dinner. Their son Creed (who is 7 months older than Ava) and Ava have a blast playing together and I'm sure they will enjoy Ava's sand and water table that she got for her b'day. I'm looking forward to seeing their new lil guy Trajan too, who's a month old now, and just hanging out and chit-chatting. Should be a good time. :) I think we're going to go to fireworks tomorrow night too, but we still haven't figured out where we will watch them from. I wish they were closer to our house so we could just walk and not have to deal with all the crazy traffic.

Hope everyone (my American readers, that is) is enjoying the long weekend or at least the 4th off tomorrow! :) And I hope the rest of you enjoy your day as well. :)


At 7/03/2006 8:00 PM, Blogger Penny said...

You look great Amy - lovely curve there! :) Thats interesting about almonds, papaya and heart burn. I had it bad with Tim but so far so good with this one. Last time I drank a lot of water and ate lots of yoghurt. I shall have to remember the other options in case I need it later.

Have a nice 4th :-)

At 7/03/2006 11:31 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks, Penny. :) It's amazing the info (re: almonds/papaya) you can find on the forums. I've learned other things there too that I didn't know during my pgnancy w/ Ava.

At 7/04/2006 8:32 AM, Blogger Amy T said...

I love your picture! You're looking teriffic! I had the WORST heartburn with Aidan and I was eating the Thai version of Tums every night. I didn't like to do that, but didn't know of any natural remedies but I did eat papaya! I know that anything I ate with tomatoes in it or anything that had acid in it was certain to keep me up all night long.

At 7/04/2006 9:31 AM, Blogger Ms. Doe said...

Hehe, so I'm bad! I thought you meant something completely different when you said "half baked." Sometimes I swear I'm still a teenager. :)

You look great, Amy! Hope you share Ava's pics, I bet they will be beautiful.

At 7/04/2006 11:11 AM, Blogger Nelly said...

Happy 4th Amy!

At 7/05/2006 11:32 PM, Blogger Christina K. said...

Great pics below!! I took Papaya tablets from the health food store when I was pregnant with Jacob - they work great. The belly pic is so cute :)

At 7/06/2006 10:37 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Ninotchka - Thanks sweetie. :)

Amy - Thank you! I tried the Tums for a while last time and they never did it for me, which is why I switched to the Zantac.

Tiffiny - I sort of meant the double entendre, so don't feel too silly. ;) And thanks!

Christina - Thank you. That's cool that the papaya tablets worked for you. I am going to chk into those if my heartburn gets worse. :)

At 7/09/2006 12:05 AM, Blogger KleoPatra said...

Beautiful, woman; beautiful woman.


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