Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ava's 2-yr check-up and other updates

I took Ava to the doctor for her two-year check-up yesterday. Other than having to wait a long time, it all went well. She's healthy as can be and impressed Dr. S with her vocabulary, sentences and organization. She's up to 34 1/2 inches tall (75th percentile) and 32 1/2 lbs. (95th percentile). I really thought she might drop on the weight charts a bit now that she's getting taller and isn't nearly as chunky as she was as a babe, but nope.

She got another DTaP shot yesterday which she won't need again until she's 4 years old, and didn't even bat an eye. She's such a trooper. So she's now current on both her DTaP and Polio vaxes even though we didn't start them until she was 12 months (and then went back for regular nurse visits to get her shots). I'm pretty happy with how that all worked out and I imagine we'll do the same thing for baby boy.

We talked a bit about the MMR shot and whether or not the dr's office can get it divided into three separate shots - the Measles, the Mumps, and the Rubella all separated - (which is how I prefer they be administered to her), to which Dr. S replied "no" and she doesn't even know if they exist like that. Well, I'm pretty sure they do because other people's doctors have said they could special order them that way. Anyway, for now we will just hold off until I can find more information.

The fourth of July was fun. We had our friends over for dinner and drinks. Well, they brought the booze. I mixed up pina coladas for them and Jody, and had a virgin one myself. We tried to catch the fireworks by walking a couple blocks from our house, but didn't get out there 'til they were ending. Bummer. :( We did watch the neighbors set some off in the street though and that was semi-entertaining until Ava decided it was "too noisy" and wanted to go in.

It was nice having Jody off for four days in a row, with no big plans. I could get used to that.

Today Ava and I did our long walk to the park, where we hung out for a while - having lunch and playing. We saw a big crane (bird) in the lake there and Ava found one of it's feathers which she used as a broom to sweep the rocks. We also looked at dog and human footprints hardened in the mud by the water. That was kind of cool actually. You'd think with all of that excitement, she'd go down easily for a nap today. But nooooooooo. She decided she wasn't napping. This happens every now and then and just about kills me every time (especially on days like today where Jody doesn't get home til after 11 p.m. because he is playing D&D after work). I finally switched from trying-to-get-her-to-nap-mode to trying-to-keep-her-awake-mode. So we made oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies, had dinner, played with her toys, called Grandma to wish her a "happy birthday" and sing to her, watched a little TV (Big Brother All-Stars), had a bath and read books. She's out cold now and I will be joining her shortly. ;)

Tomorrow the little girlie and I are going to a friend's baby welcoming party, hence making the cookies today to take with us. It will be nice to hang out with them and for Ava to play with her friends.

Jody suggested going on a hike this weekend so we may do that or go to a music festival in town, as well as FINALLY take Ava's two-year pictures. I can't wait to take them and hope that she cooperates. :) I'll post my favorites I'm sure.

Hope you all have a nice weekend. :)


At 7/06/2006 11:16 PM, Blogger Ms. Doe said...

Isn't it funny how we spend so much time in the "get to sleep" mode. Then all of a sudden we have to switch to the "stay awake" mode. I so know what you're talking about, as I'm sure does every mom. :)

At 7/07/2006 5:11 AM, Blogger Nelly said...

Have a good weekend!

At 7/07/2006 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking at your photo gallery,seeing some for the first time. You do do a great job and probably should charge a lot more but give friends and those who refer others a price break. Tell Ava thanks for singing Happy Birthday to me in her sweet little accented voice. I loved it. Grandpa heard some of it too.
Have a nice weekend.

At 7/07/2006 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE "BIG BROTHER-ALL STARS"...well actually i love the show, i don't care what season it is....although season six was one of the best...and im pissed Evette (the hispanic lesbian from last season) didn't make it on this show...what a bummer....anywho... have a good weekend!!

At 7/08/2006 8:50 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Tiff - It's so hard to switch between those modes!

Nelly - You too.

G'ma S - Thanks, Mom. :) I had told Ava that your birthday was coming up and she was very excited to sing to you.

Shelby - Sucks about Evette. I've only watched a few seasons (I saw seasons 1, 4 and 5), so I am not familiar with all of the "all stars," but it should be interesting to see what develops this time around. It's been a while since I've gotten sucked into a reality tv show. ;) Btw, nice to hear from you. Hope things are going well for you and the fam! :)

At 7/09/2006 12:04 AM, Blogger KleoPatra said...

Nuffin' like a goooood check up for your loved one to make life pretty much perfect!!


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