Thursday, June 01, 2006

16 weeks today :)

16 weeks pregnant today! I'm feeling great! I don't really have a need to nap every day like I did during the first trimester, which is great because I can get caught up on other things (like proofing pics) that I didn't have time for before.

I've scheduled my ultrasound for when I'll be 19 weeks. Only 3 weeks away! It's crazy how fast this pregnancy is going.

With Ava, I felt like she was a girl and it was no surprise to me when the ultrasound tech announced that she was. With this baby, I'm really not sure. Part of me wants to say it's a boy just because this pregnancy feels so different from my last. But I also know from a few friends who thought they were having the opposite gender of their first baby because their pregnancies were so different and ended up having the same gender both times, that that doesn't always mean a darn thing. The other part of me just feels like it's another girl. I guess we will hopefully (if baby cooperates) find out in a few more weeks.

Jody and I have been talking a lot about names lately. I think we have tentative names picked out for both a boy and a girl, but those will be kept under wraps until baby arrives. :)

Ava and I just took a mile and a half walk (each way) to that park/lake we picnicked at this weekend. I'm going to try to do that walk with her more regularly because I know the exercise would be good for me. We've done it once before as well. Just packed some PBJ sandwiches, fruit and water and made an afternoon of it.

I'll leave you with a few belly pics from this pregnancy. I haven't been nearly as good about taking them this time around, but you can still see a big difference from 7 weeks to 15 weeks (taken last week).

And one of me and Ava (showing off her baby belly too):


At 6/01/2006 4:01 PM, Blogger jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

Oh my goodness Amy, these photos are wonderful! The last one is my favorite : )

At 6/01/2006 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling more energetic now! I'm not sure if you read Parent Hacks, but it's a great resource. Today they posted about a new mother who began a blog about publicly available nursing rooms. It just sounded like something you would be interested in and perhaps able to contribute to!

At 6/01/2006 10:14 PM, Blogger Primal Mama said...

you have such an adorable baby belly I can't wait to see what kind of pics you take later on in the pregnancy :D

I love that last pic, its too cute!

At 6/01/2006 11:37 PM, Blogger Ms. Doe said...

You are so dang cute it makes me sick! Said with love of course. :)

At 6/02/2006 5:10 AM, Blogger Nelly said...

Ava is just adorable! She is going to be such a wonderful big sissy!

At 6/02/2006 8:30 AM, Blogger Amy T said...

Yay for the 16 week milestone! What a lovely figure you have and it's only getting better. :) I love how Ava is showing off her little belly too. I wonder if she'll want to copy Mommy and get some baby dolls to nurse while Mommy nurses her little brother or sister. :)

At 6/02/2006 8:30 AM, Blogger Harmonia said...

16 weeks already? WOW!

Great pics as always! Ava's looking so sweet in that one!


At 6/02/2006 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant with Hunter I thought he was a girl..I think it was more because I wanted a girl. When I was pregnant with Garrett I honestly thought he was a girl...I would of put money on it..even with a 3D/4D ultrasound (which you should do!) and seeing his boy parts I still wasnt convienced becaues my pregnancy was soooo much different than with Hunter. But nope..hes all boy..but sometimes I still have to double check...LOL..
Great belly pics! Ava is beautiful like always!! I hope you have a happy, healthy, uneventful 9 months!

At 6/02/2006 5:48 PM, Blogger Julie said...

You look so fantastic! And I'm so glad it's going easily for you.

At 6/02/2006 6:26 PM, Blogger Christina K. said...

Awwww, those are so cute!!

At 6/03/2006 10:53 AM, Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

I absolutely love the picture of you and Ava together. Love the rest, too.

At 6/03/2006 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are looking GREAT, Amy! Wow, it sure has gone fast!! It really makes me want anothe rone!

What lake/park do you picnic at?

Also, where do you do most o fyour shopping? Vit Cot? Or doyou come to Bldr to WF/WO? I've been alittle disappointed w/the small WO I go to, they don't have a lot of good organic fruit and Amelia LOVES fruit so I have to keep it handy for chopping up.

At 6/04/2006 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh lookie at that little mommy showin' her belly! (Oh and you too of course!) :D

Toooo cute!

At 6/05/2006 12:20 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Awww, thanks for all of your sweet comments. :)

Elizabeth - I hadn't been to Parent Hacks before. Thanks for the info and link!

Amy - I'm sure Ava will nurse her dolls after the baby comes. She already does it from time to time now. :)

Suzy - I already emailed you back w/ the info, but I mostly shop at Vitamin Cottage and Safeway. I just wish we had a BIGGER Vit Cot or a Wild Oats in town so I could get most of everything in one place.

Primal - Welcome to my blog! I don't think I've seen ya around before. Your's looks very interesting as well. I'll have to chk it out often. :)

At 6/05/2006 4:34 PM, Blogger Penny said...

Very cute belly! Love the one with Ava in it ;)

At 6/12/2006 10:37 AM, Blogger Maggie said...

I love belly pics! :D And that one of you and Ava is so cute! Isn't it amazing how much more quickly we show with the second one? That's how it was with me, anyway!


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