Good news and a white Christmas? (pics)
The good news is that my breast is doing much better today. I'm still treating it until it's completely healed, but it is feeling so much better already. I remembered last night that I have a rice heating pad, so I had Jody warm it up in the microwave for me and I used it a few times throughout the night. That helped a lot.
The other news is that we are in the middle of a huge blizzard expected to dump up to 2 feet of snow (or more) by tomorrow evening. We already have at least 6 inches I would say and it's only supposed to continue throughout the day today, tonight and into tomorrow. Jody's company let them leave early and he's on a bus headed for home as I type. My parents, who were planning on driving home to MI tomorrow, are likely staying at least an extra day. And my sister, who's last exam of the semester was scheduled for tomorrow, will probably have that postponed, as the majority of schools in the area are closed due to the weather.
Ava and my mom are decorating a gingerbread house right now, while Julian is sleeping on my dad's chest. I'm going to jump in the shower while I have the chance. :)
Hope everyone stays warm, and those affected by this blizzard stay safe.
"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas..."
Update: At 6 p.m. we have at least a foot of snow and it's still coming down.
Another update: At nearly 9 p.m., we have about 2 feet of snow and it's still snowing! This is the most we've ever seen while living here (the past 6 years).
Pics (which don't really do it justice) - taken at 9:10 p.m. - click to enlarge
Our car (a Forester) tonight (after it had been completely cleared off at 2:30 p.m.):
View of the front door:
The aspen trees in the front yard:
The most dramatic pic - The table and chairs on our patio - You can really see how much we've gotten so far:
And here we are enjoying some summer sun and the plums on the plum tree are ripening!
Hope everyone stays safe and warm then.
Glad the bb is getting better!
Mmm - gingerbread house :) Tim & I made gingerbread men the other day.
lots of fun eh?
I *made* Dh call in to work this morning, there was no way I wanted him driving to Denver, especially since he would be driving home after 7pm! Its unpaid but I don't care, I told him "one unpaid day is better than no more days with you evah!" heh.
I went out to try and clean off my porch, and the drifts are above my waist in some places!!
Stay warm! Glad your boobie is better :D
Here are my snow day pics! It's funnnnn! Except the driving part. Took me 2 hours to get from Pearl St. to lafayette. ICK.
Glad you are feeling better- and isn't the snow amazing? I can't remember ever seeing this much snow in our town! Joe was supposed to go to WY for work and fly- needless to say he never left the house which ended up being good since the airport closed. Hope you are all staying warm.
What kind of car you have? All that snow makes it look like a big truck! lol... Wow! that is a lot of snow! makes me cold just looking at it!
Can you please ask the weather to send some of that snow to Portland so I won't have to go anywhere for Christmas?
That snow is so beautiful. I wish it would snow here but it looks like it's just going to be a little rain.
Well, I hate to say while you were having two feet of snow, it was a cool 84 degress down here in South Texas.
Sorry! Good ol tangerines fresh off the tree, grapefruit and oranges, too.
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