Wednesday, November 29, 2006

He does have eyes in there! (pics)

Well, the "lil" boy sleeps a lot, but we catch glimpses of his blue-grey eyes every now and then:

Ava makes such a good mommy, nursing her baby with mama's Boppy pillow:

Just the kiddos:

Proud Aunt Carrie:

And one more of the kiddos (Julian was yawning sooo big!). I think this is my favorite so far.:

One of these days I will get out my good camera and take some pics, but for now the point and shoot will have to do.
Oh, and it looks like we'll be meeting up with the professional photographer (the one who was supposed to do our birth photos) early next week for some family and newborn pictures. Yay! :)


At 11/30/2006 12:17 AM, Blogger Ms. Doe said...

You're children are so beautiful! Little Ava looks like your sister. :) She also looks like the momma, and is such a big girl compared to Julian. For using just a point and shoot camera, you still have great pictures! :)

How are you feeling?

Big hugs to you.

At 11/30/2006 2:12 AM, Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Aw, what gorgeous pictures and children. Congratulations!

At 11/30/2006 5:11 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

aww, that last pic is my fave. they look so adorable together! looks like ava is gonna be a good momma when she gets bigger... she's already got two of the most important things down.. nursing, and hugging!

At 11/30/2006 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are both beautiful :)

At 11/30/2006 12:13 PM, Blogger Penny said...

very sweet! Ava looks so happy to have her brother here.

At 11/30/2006 5:19 PM, Blogger jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

Oh my gosh, unfortunately this belated, but I'm so happy for you! Your family is so beautiful, I can practically feel the warmth from the photos and words.

At 12/01/2006 12:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy, looks like you are doing a fantastic job being sure that Ava feels very important in helping with Julian. Love the look on Ava's face as Julian has that big yawn! Hope you gals don't mind an old male posting his comments once in a while, LOL:)


At 12/02/2006 12:03 PM, Blogger Amy T said...

I love the one with Ava and the boppy pillow and of course with little Julian yawning so big. :) He's such a handsome fella! How's his nursing coming along?

At 12/02/2006 4:46 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks, everyone. :)

Tiffiny - I'm feeling good for the most part, though I had a couple of migraines this past week (which sucked!). I'm doing my best to stay in bed so I can rest as much as possible while I have Jody home to tend to Ava. It's hard to stay in bed when you are feeling pretty good though. There have been a few days where I've been really tired, but I'm still getting a decent amount of sleep, despite having a newborn who likes to wake up for a few hours in the middle of the night every night. ;)

Amy - I'm happy to say Julian nurses like a champ. We've been doing very well with it. :)

I'd like to post about life, etc., but I just haven't had time lately, and suspect I'm not going to have a lot of free time again for a while. Hope you all are doing well!!

At 12/02/2006 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such sweet pics! I love his chubby little face. :) Isn't it great to have a tiny one again?? And how proud is oozes from her soul!!
Glad you are resting up. You deserve it.

At 12/04/2006 8:14 AM, Blogger Avery's mom said...

He's beautiful and so is Big sister.
Avery's just now able to help me out a little and the other day she brought over my boppy pillow so I could nurse her brother.
there have been days when she started screaming because she didnt want me to nurse him and not get played with.


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