Three days old - update (with pics)
Thank you all for the congratulations and heart-felt comments regarding Julian's birth. You are all amazing and sure know how to make a mama feel special. We are truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives (both "real" and online) that care about us. :)
Julian is three days old today and it already feels like he's been a part of our family forever. :)
My midwife stopped in today for our three-day check-up. Julian's weight was the same today as the day he was born - 9 lbs., 8 oz. (amazing that he hasn't lost any with all the pooping he's been doing - just ask Jody!) and, when remeasured, he came out to 22 inches again. He's just a big, long boy. :) She inked his foot and did a footprint on a pseudo-birth certificate for us that says "I Was Born At Home!" (we'll get the real one from the county), and in his baby book as well. We also elected to have the newborn screening tests done, so she drew blood out of his itty bitty heel for that.
My milk came in this morning and, I must say, it's nice to have cleavage again. ;) hehe. I think the lil guy is enjoying the good stuff too, and has been in a blissful "milk coma" pretty much all day. If he follows in his sister's footsteps, it won't be long before he starts packing on the serious poundage.
Speaking of the big sister, Ava has been amazing us at how well she's doing with this life-changing event. She's slipped into the big sister role with ease, and is so loving to Julian and is great with helping out. My sister has come over the past several days and taken Ava out for a few hours for some special time with Aunt Carrie and I think that's helped her a lot. (Thank you, Carrie!) She's had a few hard moments, but overall, she's doing remarkably well. We couldn't be prouder. :) As far as nursing goes, Ava has asked to nurse a few times over the past few days, but not nearly as often as I thought she might. And, who knows, she may ask to nurse more as we continue in this journey, but, for now, I am sticking with only nursing her before bedtime and then maybe once during the day - depending on if I feel like she really needs the mommy time or not. So far, it is going well which is such a relief! :)
I've been thinking a lot about what a different experience this has been for me - birthing Ava in the hospital and having complications (HELLP syndrome) myself that lead to a 5-day stay vs. birthing Julian at home and not having any complications. I really feel like I missed out on the first few days of Ava's life because I was bed-ridden on magnesium sulfate and so sick. Whereas I've felt comparatively great since Julian's birth and have been able to just enjoy the little guy. (Like noticing that he has a dimple in his right cheek when he does those dreamy lil sleep grins.) It's been like night and day and I'm so thankful that I stayed healthy throughout this pregnancy and birth.
I'll be posting with updates, etc., when I can, but they will definitely not be as frequent as P.J. (pre-Julian). I've got a few other pressing things in my life to attend to. :)
And now for a few pics from the past couple days. Click to enlarge.
He doesn't look so big next to his proud big sister (11/25/06):
She's so loving and sweet with him:
My midwife inking up Julian's foot (11/26/06):
Looks good:
Our beautiful boy:
Julian is just gorgeous, Amy. He was worth the wait for sure :)
I'm glad you're all doing so well and Ava is adapting wto this change with such grace!
What a sweet post. I'm so glad you're all doing well and that you get to be home to experience this special time. He's so precious.
Love the pics!
Thanks for the updated pictures- he is absolutely beautiful, and so glad to hear Ava is adjusting so well.
I am glad you are enjoying Julian, and from having a c-section to a VBAC w/ my second, I can also say how much I just enjoyed my second,PP too, not having to recover from surgery, and from being sick from the pain meds. It is so special, being able to have this time. Enjoy every moment- it goes so fast, as you know.
awww I love the pictures, Ava looks so proud of her baby brother :)
awww *sniff* they are both so sweet.
I'm so glad this time has been such a better experience.
Darn, I missed it!
Julian is a wonderful name for a gorgeous little boy - it's my little cousin in Italy's name (he's two 1/2).
A belated Congrats!
What gorgeous babies you have! I love these pictures!
I have to ask, since I'm in shopping for baby sleepers mode, is Julian's sleeper with the sleeves rolled up a newborn or 0-3 months size?
Congratulations again! I hope you're enjoying your time at home with your sweet lovies!
You must be so proud of Ava and so besotted with Julian. They are both so gorgeous, you've done a great job momma! Beautiful photos and it's wonderful reading about these precious first few days.
Congratulations again. You seem so happy and it's just so great to read about it and get to share in the photos.
Yay! A late congrats. Julian is perfect and Ava looks like such a big girl next to him. Sounds like everyone is settling in with ease.
Thank you for taking the time to share with us your sweet family! In that last picture of Julian, I totally see Ava. What a sweet babe.
He is so lovely and Ava is really nice,I know lots of kids who are very hard with new siblings. Thanks for posting pics! Hope you feel good,too!
it sounds like the home birth has been drastically better then the hospital stay. wise choice and I'm very happy to hear things worked out that way. I have a girlfriend in Nederland that's homebirthing (due sometime first week DEC.) and hearing your story give confidence for her.
Also, Benjamin has a one dimple in his left cheek. new baby's are just so soft and sweet.
and YAY for the cleavage! :)
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