Monday, January 02, 2006

Good finds!

While cleaning out my basement yesterday, I came across some little silverware that my mom saved from my childhood for my future children. My mom saved A LOT of my old stuff (you'd be amazed), but I'm always thankful when I come across something that Ava likes to play with (like my old toys/dolls/books) or can use (like clothes or this silverware). We have had the hardest time lately trying to figure out what she should use to eat with. Our silverware is obviously too big for her, but the infant spoons from when she was a baby are too small. We had not yet gone out looking for something in between the two and now I'm glad that we didn't. This silverware is perfect Ava-size! Thanks, Mom! :)
(Note the bears, Cookie Monster and Annie's dog Sandy on the handles. Not sure where Annie went!)

As previously mentioned, I've been on the lookout lately for a good small chair for Ava. I've seen some plush ones at Target for $20, but they all have princesses (or is it Barbie?) on them and I just want something plain and simple. A friend of mine mentioned she found her daughter's rocking and wicker chairs at a flea market, so that's where Ava and I headed this afternoon. We found this great little rocking chair for $19.99. :) I was so thrilled!

We also saw a cute little wooden play kitchen stovetop/cabinets that Aunt Carrie might get for Ava for her belated Christmas present. We'll be going back up there this week for sure. :)
So anyway, I plan to go to the flea market more often. There is so much to see there and many things that I think would come in handy as props for my photography business - like other little chairs, hat boxes or baskets (for babies/kids to sit in), etc. Yay! I'm glad to have discovered it.


At 1/02/2006 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's some really adorable stuff you've got there.

They seem perfect for her (and for your business).

At 1/02/2006 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are so cute, and just perfect! Coincidentally, a friend of mine just gave me similar 'toddler' silverware today with ducks on the bottoms. I thought it was odd, considering my unborn child won't be needing them for at least another year. I'll have to remember to dig them out when the time comes. :)

Love the picture of Ava on the rocking chairs - so cute!

At 1/02/2006 10:42 PM, Blogger Christina K. said...

I love that silverware, I was an Annie freak when I was little, I still have some barrettes :)

At 1/03/2006 9:26 AM, Blogger Amy T said...

It's lovely to see toddler flatware in something other than bright plastic. Can you even buy non-plastic utensils today? It looks classy. :) And I LOVE the wood rocking chair. Seems everything made for children these days are bright, plastic and gawdy looking. I'll have to remember to go to the flea market too.

At 1/03/2006 4:09 PM, Blogger Running2Ks said...

You found amazing treasures there. And Ava looks adorable :)

At 1/03/2006 6:33 PM, Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

What great stuff! I've been on the lookout for a rocking chair for my girls, too. Haven't found one yet.

At 1/04/2006 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, Amy! I did save some good stuff. You will too. It's because I am just so sentimental and the years when you three kids were little and I stayed home with you were very precious to me. (At the time, they seemed to drag, but as I look back and reflect, I wouldn't have done it any other way.) You'll notice the little silver plated spoon has your name and birthdate engraved on it, doesn't it? I ordered one of those for each of you from the Gerber company. Ava's little rocker is very sweet. You had one too, but I sold it after Carrie outgrew it.
Thanks for sharing my saving, sentimental, pack-rat ways.

At 1/04/2006 5:14 PM, Blogger Avery's mom said...

good of you to recycle
we are trying to stear clear of the 'princess' phenomenon with our daughter, that just romances the idea of being swept off your feet by a knight in shinning armor and that just isnt how life really is. not that we want to inhibit her imagination, just we dont want her acting like a queen when she's only 2

At 1/04/2006 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the rocker! She looks so happy to be sittin in it too! :)

Its crazy how hard it is to find good flatware for kiddos now, I broke down and got some of those crappy plastic ones that you can throw away or reuse because nothing else would work, they were either too big or just... awful, and then on Ellianas 1st birthday my in-laws gifted to her a spoon that was her daddy's when he was a baby :D

She uses it daily.

At 1/05/2006 8:36 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Ninotchka and Rowan - Thank you. :)

Miriam - Yes, that is the trick - remembering that you have it a year or so from now. ;)

Christina - I was very much into Annie as well. My sister and I would sing "It's the hard knock life" and dust the house. ;)

Amy - It's a shame that nearly everything is plastic these days. I have no idea if you can find non-plastic utensils for toddlers these days.
Yes, definitely chk out the flea markets for some possible good finds.

R2Ks - Thanks!

Purple Kangaroo - Check out the flea markets. I was amazed how many little chairs they had there.

Grandma S - Yep, I'm glad you saved the things that you did. Even if I don't keep everything, it's nice that I get to decide what stays and what goes. :)

Avery - I hear ya. We're not into the whole princess thing either. Of course if Ava pursues it, that's one thing, but we won't be pushing it on her. ;)

Dawn - Thanks. She's discovered she can stand on it too so not sure what we'll be doing about that. ;)
Very cool that Elliana got her daddy's old spoon. :)

At 1/08/2006 4:57 AM, Blogger Isil Simsek said...

She is such a lovely girl. And you, mothers and grandmothers, you are so nice for keeping these old precious things so far.


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