Saturday, October 28, 2006

"Rockin' out roll" (with pics)

A topic other than pregnancy today, aren't you excited? ;)

Jody, Ava, my sis and I went to the city's kiddie Halloween parade this morning. This was our first year to attend and there was a much bigger turnout than I expected. Kids, kids - everywhere! The weather was perfect for it though - sunny and not too hot and not too cold.

Two high school bands marched in it as well as hundreds of kids and parents. And many other kids, parents, grandparents, etc. stood by to watch the parade. After the parade (which spanned three blocks), several of the downtown merchants gave out candy to all the trick-or-treaters.

We decided to dress Ava as a rockstar this year after how much she enjoyed "Rockstar Supernova" on TV when we'd watch it and how much she enjoys "rockin' out" with da-da when he plays "Guitar Hero" on the Playstation. :) We taught her to do the rock 'n roll hand gesture and along with it she says, "Rockin' out roll!" despite the fact we tell her it's "rock 'n roll." ;)

She happens to be a big fan of The Beatles, so I was quite happy to find her shirt at Target (in the toddler boys' section) last week. I made her guitar out of cardboard last night as a last-minute costume addition. After I finished it, she walked around the house strumming it and singing a song she made up that went like this, "rock n roll, rock n roll, rock n roll, etc." ;) We gave her some punky blue hair today as well, but I don't think it showed up very well in the pics.

Anyway, here are a few pics from today. :) Happy early Halloween!

Watching the parade before we jumped in it ourselves:

Riding high in the parade with Aunt Carrie and Da-da:

Our little rockstar:

The family (and yes, I am wearing butterfly wings):


At 10/29/2006 3:45 PM, Blogger Penny said...

She looks very cute! Tim calls guitars "zums" because of that book by Al Perkins, "hand, hand, fingers, thumb".

At 10/29/2006 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My little Rocker Ava looks so cute-quite a change from last year's ladybug. So grown-up! Sounds like a fun time downtown. Happy Halloween to you all.

At 10/30/2006 5:19 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

that is so adorable! my kids also liked Rockstar Supernova :)

At 10/30/2006 6:38 AM, Blogger BlueGoddess said...

I just love your site. I will be checking out your work site as well. The funny thing is that I am in the process of opening up an online store as well. I can't wait to have more time to read the rest of your stuff.

Toodles. and Happy Halloween.

P.S. Where was the parade. I didn't hear anything about it till now, which is too late.

At 10/30/2006 12:56 PM, Blogger halloweenlover said...

She is too cute! I love the inventive costume! She is the most beautiful rocker I've ever seen!

At 10/30/2006 8:56 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Thanks, all. We had a lot of fun, even if she didn't get into the whole trick-or-treating aspect after the parade. She never eats candy, though is a chocolate-lover (like her mama), so there wasn't big incentive for her. ;)

Nino - The tights are from Old Navy! They aren't quite fishnets, though pretty similar. hehe.

BlueGoddess - Thanks for visiting my blog too. :) Looking fwd to hearing more about your online store.
The parade was in Longmont.

Happy Halloween to all!


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