Weekend recap, pics and pumpkins
I recently bought a new basket/hamper for storing the oodles of babies and stuffed animals Ava has in our livingroom. She decided on Saturday that it would be a good place for her to play as well and asked dada to put her in it with her animals. :) She then asked for him to close the lid on her too. Silly girlie.
Later in the day on Saturday, after running some errands, we went to a pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate and it started raining on us after we'd only been there for about 15 minutes. We did pick out a good pumpkin though and I managed to snap a few pics before the rain kicked in.
On Saturday night, Aunt Carrie came over to watch Ava so Jody and I could have a night (well, a few hours) out alone. We went out to dinner and had a nice time being together and enjoyed being able to talk without interruptions from the peanut gallery. ;)
Sunday has been pretty uneventful, though productive. Jody and Ava went out to run some errands while I worked on a photo order. Jody carved our pumpkin (and then I added ears to it). We bagged some more leaves. (Will they ever be done falling??) And I made two casseroles of lasagna for dinner so I had extra to freeze. I'm trying to freeze a bit of extras from meals here and there so we have some food stashed, especially for those first few days after the birth. The problem is we don't have an extra freezer so there's just not much room for them. The nice thing is I can count on a handful of meals to be donated from members of our AP group (through the 'meals for new families program') and we also will have a food allowance (courtesy of J's work) where we can expense up to a certain amount of take-out meals after a new baby. Sweeeeet. :) Not to mention the fact that my mom will be coming to help out after the birth and, I'm sure, will be more than happy to cook for us. So I think we'll be all right, even without a big freezer.
WONDERFUL photos. I love them!!! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Amy. Thank you for sharing.
Lovely pics!
I'm glad that you have your sister around you at these hard days.I'm happy that we moved to UK, that was something we longed for a while but I feel a little bit overwhelmed when I think of the first days after the birth since there's no family and no friends yet. I'm hoping to find a doula.Cheers!
Very cute pictures Amy! It's neat how you guys have "pumpkin patches"... we don't really have stuff like that here for our autumn.
Frozen meals are so useful - we do have a big chest freezer so I'm going to be stocking up there. But one thing you can do with a small freezer is stuff like pasta sauce which can be frozen in ice cube trays, popped out and put into plastic bags which then don't take up as much room as a container. You can also freeze homemade gnocchi too which can go with the sauce.
Oh Amy, the one with Ava in her striped sweater climbing on the pumpkin is just adorable, and really artistic looking too!
It is a really good idea to start preparing the extra meals to stash in the freezer. In Thailand when Aidan was born, we had the luxury of cheap food stalls and hubby would go out and get food every day, so we never had to cook n freeze, but I sure would here in the US.
So with baby boy being a newborn at the time, what has your family planned for Thanksgiving? Cause if he arrives in exactly a month (give or take, of course) then he'd be only like a week old or so...
Thanks for the comments, ladies.
Isil - hope you can find a doula you love. you've still got some time. :)
Penny - I never knew what gnocchi was until you just mentioned it and I looked it up. Guess it's not a common food over here. ;) Seems easy enough to make though (and freeze). :)
Amy - Not sure what we are going to do for Thanksgiving actually! It all depends on when baby boy arrives. It might just be our family and my sister, or if it's been a few weeks since the birth, then my parents will likely be here. Either way, I'm insisting that somebody cook for this mama. ;)
Great blogg you have
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