What a great day!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday. :)
It started off with Jody having breakfast ready when Ava and I woke up in the morning. Then I got some cards from Jody, Ava and my parents. And Jody and Ava got me some nice oven mitts (which I was desperately in need of since mine had holes in it and has been caught on fire, etc.) and a lazy susan (which I really wanted) for all of my spices. Jody said he also wants to get me a gift certificate for a pregnant massage, but he didn't have time to track down someone who specializes in that.
After that we went for a walk around the block to a lilac tree near the park (lilacs are one of my favorite smelling flowers) and Jody took some pictures of me and Ava (and belly baby) and then I cut some lilacs to take home and put in a vase.
Then we stopped at Starbucks for some frosty beverages (that blackberry green tea frapaccino they have is so tasty - Ava agrees too) and went to Vitamin Cottage to pick up some things for our trip and for a recipe I have for banana muffins (which I plan to make today).
In the afternoon we headed into Boulder for some lunch, which we ordered "to go" and then had a picnic by the Boulder Creek. Ava ran around in the grass while Jody and I ate, stopping by every now and then for a bite herself.
After that we went for a walk on Pearl Street Mall (a great outdoor pedestrian "mall") and shared a brownie. Then Jody took some pictures of me and Ava in front of the tulips which we also did last year. :)
After walking around for a bit, we headed back to the car and came home. I thought Ava would go down for a nap since it was quite past her naptime, but she was content to stay up. So we went to the grocery store and picked up some food for dinner (stuffed salmon and potatoes which we had accompanied by broccoli) and some other things we needed. Jody grilled the food and we had a nice dinner.
It was a very full, very nice day. It's amazing to me to think that next year at this time I will be a mommy of two. I'm a lucky woman. :)
By the way, Ava's outfit (dress and matching diaper cover) is something Grandma just made and sent to her. It's pretty darn cute.
P.S. These pictures were taken with our old P&S (point and shoot) camera. I decided not to take my Olympus on the trip to CA since it's really primarily for my business and I'd be up a creek if something happened to it while I don't have a good back-up camera yet. So I dusted off the old P&S to play with yesterday. It's not nearly as fun (nor are the pictures anywhere near the quality) as my Olympus. ::whine:: I'm such a camera snob now. ;oP
I'm glad you had a great day. I just loved Ava's dress, she looks so lovely.
I absolutely love the photo of Ava kissing your belly/the baby.
I'm so glad you had a good day. :)
You are going to be one of those pretty pregnant people. I just got (and keep getting) fatter and fatter, you're going to be so stinkin cute I'm going to be jelous! ;)
What an awesome Mother's Day! I hear that Boulder is an extremely beautiful city, right up against the Flatiron mountain range. Yesterday a radio show host I listen to was talking about Boulder and now I really want to visit.
I love lilacs as well, they smell SOOOOO good and you know what, your point n shoot camera takes great photos for vacation and fun times. I can't wait to see all your SF pictures when you come out here! Oh, and BTW, your maternity shirt is really cute. Your belly's growing! Are you going to find out the baby's sex or keep it a surprise?
Sounds like such a wonderful day! have fun in CA!!
I got cards. No sleeping in...no breakfast in bed (went for an 8 mi run instead) or even fixed for that matter. I didn't expect a BIG huge production but was kind of hoping for a little more...know what I mean? It was still a nice day though.
Here is a great prenatal massage therapist - Ranelle Williams CD (DONA), CMT - 303-684-8074. She is also a doula. I'd go to her more, but not being in Longmont anymore she's a little out of my way. She might be close for you though.
Isil and Leslie - Thank you. :)
Tiffiny - You are so silly. I gained a lot more weight than I would've liked with Ava (over 50 lbs) so we'll see what happens this time around.
Amy - Boulder is great! It's a very interesting city with lots of character (and characters!).
As of right now, we plan on finding out the baby's sex and will likely tell everyone. However, as we did with Ava, we will keep baby's name a secret until he/she is born.
Suzy - Bummer that you didn't get spoiled a bit more for Mother's day. Wasn't it your first official Mother's Day too?
Thx for that massage therapist's info. Her name sounds very familiar to me. I think I saw her at a "meet the doulas night" I attended last year.
Amy, these pictures are just gorgeous!! You are the picture of a glowing, beautiful pregnant woman, and your little Ava is a cutie!
What a fabulous Mother's Day!
p.s. Lilacs are my very favorite too! (I don't know a great deal about flowers, but I know that lilacs have the most lovely fragrance).
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