Monday, February 06, 2006

The best hummus ever - Avocado hummus recipe

This delicious recipe came my way from Harmonia's blog.

I took some pictures of this after I made it last week, but they have disappeared on my computer for the moment. Grrr. I'll post one if I can round them up.

Avocado Hummus
(from Harmonia with my clarifications/amounts)

1 can of chickpeas
1 avocado
5 T tahini
3 T olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon (or more to taste)
3/4 C water
4 or 5 cloves of garlic
salt/pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in blender or food processor. Blend until smooth.
Enjoy! :)


At 2/06/2006 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my. This sound delicous. I can't wait to get to the store to pick up the ingredients. Thank you so much.

At 2/07/2006 7:41 AM, Blogger Harmonia said...

Thanks for the linkie! Glad you enjoyed it! I need to buy more avocado's!!!

At 2/07/2006 7:59 AM, Blogger Amy T said...

Avacado hummus -- who would have thought! I bet some roasted red pepper dunked in would be delish. Over here, avacados are $1 each. In California. Yep. So the guacamole and avacado hummus will have to wait. Too bad too, because it's good for babies. :(

At 2/07/2006 10:01 AM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Hope you all enjoy the recipe. :)

Amy - $1 each? Wow, that's cheap compared to what I have to pay here in CO. ;) Once in a while they are 10 for $10 at Safeway, but usually I'm lucky to find them 2 for $3.

At 2/07/2006 11:58 AM, Blogger Ms. Doe said...

This recipe actually sounds good! Can't wait to try it. :)


At 2/08/2006 7:46 AM, Blogger Amy T said...

Oh wow, that IS expensive... Groceries in general have really gone up and I'm sure it's due to the rising fuel prices.

At 2/08/2006 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Amy! It sounds yummy! I love hummus but have never made my own ... where do you find the Tahini and what kind of bottle/jar is it in? Thanks!

At 2/08/2006 10:39 AM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Tiff - Hope you enjoy it!

Amy - Yep, they have us over a barrel.

Kellie - You can find Tahini at some regular grocery stores (mine USED to carry it), but you might have better luck going to a natural foods store like Whole Foods, Vitamin Cottage, Trader Joe's, Wild Oats, etc. Check by the peanut butter, almond butter, etc. Tahini is actually made from sesame seeds and is just another nut butter.

At 8/19/2007 10:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just made this recipe. It was very good - balanced flavors and the right consistency. Using one avocado makes for a very mild avocado flavor; if you want a stronger avocado flavor and green color, use two avocados. Thanks for the great recipe!


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