An artsy weekend
I've been wanting to write about my weekend for a few days now, but between Ava and this possible rotavirus (the diarrhea continues) and me feeling like my stomach was in a vice yesterday (again!), I just haven't been motivated.
Anyway, I had a really cool weekend. A friend of mine who's pregnant (wait, aren't all of my friends pregnant right now?? 3 more just made the announcement in the past week! That brings the total to 8!) invited me to go with her to a nude photoshoot she was doing for a local artist. This artist does sculptures, paintings, body castings, digital manipulation and is getting into photography as well. She is working on a new project featuring pregnant women and needed some models. My friend always wanted to have some artsy photos done of herself while pregnant and figured this was the perfect chance if she could get over her nerves about it. The artist's plan is to take the pictures and make them into digitally manipulated collages, etc.
She told my friend that she could bring along someone if she liked and she chose me. She also said that since I'm a photographer myself, I was welcome to bring my camera and shoot alongside her!
I've seen nude and semi-nude maternity pictures that other photographers have done and I love the way they look, but I hadn't had the occasion (or guts) to shoot anyone sans clothes as of yet.
It was a really cool experience and I'm so grateful that I got to do it! I thought it might be awkward, and it was for about 5 seconds, but honestly I was so preoccupied with camera settings, lining shots up, etc., that I wasn't even paying attention to the fact that she didn't have clothes on. Since nude or semi-nude photography is something I want to offer to pregnant women in the future, this was a perfect way for me to get my feet wet and see if it is something I'd feel comfortable doing again. It is. :)
A pregnant woman's body is just so beautiful. I felt honored that my friend included me in that experience with her and I would feel grateful for the opportunity to capture the natural beauty of pregnancy for other women in the future.
I am pleased with many of the pictures I got from the session. It was also nice to work with no pressure since I was there just for the experience and not as a "professional" photographer. I'm excited to proof the pictures and show them to my friend. I think she will be happy with them. :)
That sounds wonderful! I bet the pictures will be great.
Sorry about the rotovirus. My oldest had it as a baby. It was horrible!
That is so cool you got that opppertunity!! Hope Ava feels better :(
Very neat! Wish I had something interesting to do.
I love being in the company of artists -- being amongst creative people who appreciate and express beauty is nourishment for my soul. What a great way to spend your weekend! :)
It was a great opportunity and happy to have had it. :)
I should really try to get out among artists more often. I think it's good motivation and good for the soul, like you said, Amy. :)
What a great opportunity Amy! It think it's great to step a little out of your comfort zone too, it's amazing how after 5 minutes, you aren't feeling uncomfy anymore. A prego womans body is such a wonderful thing.
What a fabulous opportunity. I'm glad you got to have that experience and that you felt comfortable pretty soon after.
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