Sunday, August 06, 2006

Don't ya just hate it when...

You can't get your checkbook to balance and you are off by a LARGE amount and not in your favor (of course!)???
Since Jody wiped out my computer last week, he didn't have time to reinstall ALL of the programs that I use regularly, just the majority of them. As a result, I haven't had Xcel on my computer for a week or so, and I hadn't updated our checkbook ledger for a little while before that.
So, here I sit, trying to play catch up and get it all to balance now and I'm off by what started off as over $300, though now I've got it whittled down to $226, but I can't figure out anything else to subtract! Arg! It's so frustrating.
I am usually quite good about staying on top of these things. If I'm off a bit, it's never by much and I usually can figure it out, which is why this is making me want to tear my hair out. Blah. Maybe if I let it sit for a while and come back to it, it will jump out at me. :)

Anyway, we're having a pretty lazy weekend around here, which has been nice for all. The Lupus Foundation never came to pick up our bags and bags of donations on Friday, so we took them to a local charity in town yesterday. Honestly, that's what I had hoped to do before the LF called to schedule the pick up anyway (though I was excited to have someone coming to get them rather than us having to cart them somewhere), so I'm glad it all worked out the way it did. We also dropped off some cardboard at the recycling center. It might sound cheesy, but it always warms my heart to go there and see so many other people recycling their things as well. Call me a sentimental (i.e. hormonal) sap, but I got teary-eyed thinking about it yesterday. ;)
After that, we went to the Super Target across town (since they closed "our" Target down while they build a Super Target in it's place) to pick up dog food and a few other things.

We were actually supposed to go camping this weekend with two other families, but we backed out a couple weeks ago thinking it would be too much for us to do right after Jody's trip and the week before we go to MI. I'm glad we decided that then, because one of my friends got sick (the one who's cabin we were all supposed to stay at), so they didn't end up going anyway.

Jody has the day off tomorrow and I have my first acupuncture appointment. I'm SOOOOO looking forward to it. I've never been before, but I know people who have and who swear it helps them a lot. My midwife suggested acupuncture (and possibly Chinese herbs) as a preventative measure to treat my liver proactively so that I don't develop HELLP syndrome again with this pregnancy. I'm highly in favor of anything I can do now to minimize my chances because I'd hate to have to go through that again. Anyway, since I found an acupuncturist who's also an M.D. AND accepts insurance (hooray for a $10 copay), I plan to go semi-regularly and have her work on some other issues (physical and emotional) of mine as well as the HELLP issue. I'm sure I will be blogging about it to say how it all goes.


At 8/06/2006 3:06 PM, Blogger Nelly said...

Ouch! Acupuncture? Doesn't sound like something I'd ever consider.

At 8/06/2006 6:15 PM, Blogger KleoPatra said...

Acupuncture is great. I had it done by a friend of a friend who practiced Eastern medicine a loooooong time ago - and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I know what it's like about the checkbook thing. I am usually pretty good about it but one time (not long ago) i was off, wayyyy off, and of course NOT in my favor. I spent a sweaty day driving to my credit union to save my checking account - and my arse!! It's not a good feeling...

But good feelings about recyclers? I have that too. I like when i see that as well! In fact, i actually met two different vegans at two different times i was recycling this year. That was really bizarre and cool, both times...

At 8/07/2006 5:07 PM, Blogger halloweenlover said...

Oooh, do share! I considered it when I was in the throes of morning sickness but could never get it together. I'd love to hear how it goes!

At 8/07/2006 7:42 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Kleopatra - I still haven't figured out the checkbook error. Arg. Mine isn't so scary as in I thought we had money for something and now we don't, but I still can't account for the missing funds.
Very cool abt meeting other vegans while recycling. :)

HL - I will write about it, probably tomorrow. :) I'm happy to say it went very well.

At 8/07/2006 8:06 PM, Blogger Penny said...

Acupuncture is great! I had it for some OOS problems I had some years ago and I always felt better directly afterwards, and was finally able to go back to normal work. My mum has found it has helped lower her blood pressure - she went for some help with back problems and as the treatment has continued, so her bp has lowered as well. A nice side affect for her :-)

I've heard it can be helpful to reduce pain in childbirth but I don't know of anyone round here who does that... must look into it further.

At 8/07/2006 8:46 PM, Blogger Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

Penny - Glad that acpuncture was able to help both you and your mom. I could see how lowered blood pressure could come from it. It's quite relaxing. :)

At 8/07/2006 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please let us know how the acupunture goes. I've always wanted to do it too...
Blessings to your lil' baby. I am so excited about your homebirth!!!

At 8/08/2006 1:38 AM, Blogger Ms. Doe said...

I sooooo want to try acupuncture. Please tell us how it goes!


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