Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Here's wishing everyone a relaxing day surrounded by people you love. (And if you can have a big yummy meal on top of that, all the better!)

I'm off to start on our lil family feast while Jody and Ava watch a bit of the Thanksgiving parades on TV. :)

Edited to add: Thought we weren't going to have a turkey when I discovered the darn thing hadn't thawed all the way! Sheesh! It had been thawing in the fridge since Monday and is only an 11 pounder. I ran some cold water in it for a while and it seems to have done the trick. So now it's in the roaster for the next several hours. Hopefully it will come out ok. :) I'm sure I'll post an update if there's another crisis.


At 11/24/2005 10:23 AM, Blogger Running2Ks said...

And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you all as well :)

At 11/24/2005 10:30 AM, Blogger Nice Guy said...

Thanks, happy Thanksgiving Day to you too! Having turducken here (3 birds in 1, chicken, turkey and duck) for dinner at the inlaws, then I can relax once I get home!!!!

At 11/24/2005 10:31 AM, Blogger Muse said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

At 11/30/2005 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!


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